Monday, December 27, 2010

9 months/christmas

this will be two post in here are his stats for 9 months

weight: 17 lbs 2 oz
height: 28 inches
head: 18 inches

sleeping: 2 naps during the day, and night about 6 to 8 hrs, wakes up around 5 or 530 and has a bottle and goes back to sleep for 2 or 3 hrs.

eating: 6 oz bottle with 1 tsp rice cereal, he is down to about 4 or 5 bottles a day, he eats cereal in the morning for breakfast, and veggies or fruit for lunch and dinner. he like oranges(yeah i know) mash potatoes, yams, pancakes, smash banana's, we are going to try tofu and real green beans tomorrow.

developments: he is sitting up on his own, been doing that for about 2 months, rolling around like crazy, he is army crawling, he gets up on his knees and than falls to his stomach, so hopefully in the next month or so he will be crawling. he likes to climb on things and try and pull himself up when you hold him on your lap.

now for christmas:

so christmas this year we surprise my mom by flying my little brother out from missouri to arizona, she thought he wasn't coming out, best christmas ever!! :) and my dad also surprised my mom with a trip to hawaii next december, which she has been talking about FOREVER!! so all in all it was a great christmas. dustin came with me and jaxson to arizona, and we spent christmas eve with my family, and than drove back to san diego christmas eve and arrived back at his mom's house at 530 am on christmas morning and spent it with her and her wife tanya. here are some pictures from christmas enjoy...hope everyone had a great christmas and has a happy new year!!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

and then there were two

so dustin is now in san diego and jaxson and i are still in port hueneme, until april 1, 2011. that is when i transfer, i can't wait for the day, i am not enjoying being away from dustin and i know jaxson isn't either. i know this is kind of preparing us for what deployments would be like, but it feels harder only cause he is close but yet so far away if that makes any sense whatsoever...and the loneliness is not helping, and that the only people i talk to are people are work and i come home and i have jaxson, now don't get me wrong, i love my son to death, but i need someone to talk to other than a 9 month old...and i can't always talk on the phone to dustin cause he or i are usually busy doing just hard..*tear*

Thursday, December 9, 2010

lets compare

Jaxson 8.5 months
Jaxson 1 or 2 days old

it's crazy how much he has grown and come in such a short time, he now has his bottom two teeth, and it's army crawling/worm crawling around..i called it worm crawling because he pulls himself forward and that wiggles and kicks his feet, it's pretty funny to watch. i can't wait to see what the furture holds for this little guys

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Monday, November 29, 2010

thanksgiving and a tooth

thanksgiving was good, we went to san diego this year and spent it with dustin's mom and partner tanya. we went to tanya's grandparents house for thanksgiving, i enjoyed it, but did miss my family. jaxson did good with being around all the people, although he didn't experpience much cause he slept thru dinner. he took his first real bath in grandma lela's bathtub, cause he can sit up on his own now, he enjoyed splashing around in the tub. and he also got his first tooth this weekend, so now he is alot happier now that the tooth has poked thru..i will post pictures when i get a chance.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

starting to realize...

i just started noticing that i am turning into my i shocked?? honestly no, i know most people would cringe at the idea of becoming their mom, but me i relish the idea of becoming so much like my mom...why you might ask..because my mom is plain and simple the best mom ever. she is such a good role model for me and my sisters, and my nieces ect... i am so glad i have such a great mom who taught me so much, and i hope that i can be as good of a mom to jaxson as she was to me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

8 months

technically he will be 8 months on monday, but it's close here are his stats

weight: i am guess around 18 to 20lbs don't have a scale and he doesn't go back to the doctor until next month, and same with height.

eating: he still has 6 oz bottles and is eating food 3x a day, oatmeal in the morning and a fruit for lunch and veggie for dinner, he is know eating stage 2 food, likes the mixed veggies and garden veggies, still loves sweet potatoes and carrots..he enjoy's his fruit, he tried a piece of orange the other day and made the funniest faces and enjoyed eating it and got upset when i took it away.

sleeping: takes 2 to 3 naps during the day, has one long one 2 to 3 hrs, and two short ones, 20 mins to an hour. sleeps better at night, sleeps about 6 to 7 hours, usually wakes up around 3 am to have a bottle and falls back to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours.

developments: he is now sitting up on his own, he hasn't started crawling yet, he wants to and gets upset cause he hasn't figured it out yet, so now when he wants to explore or go somewhere he just rolls, which is pretty cute to watch, he has started to make letter sounds like aaaa, baaa, mmmm, he doesn't do ddddd yet. he loves the tv, this afternoon he was sitting on my lap and i had dora the explorer on, and when a part came on that he liked he smiled and got so excited, and whenever something came on that he liked he would smile so big. he likes music and will "dance" he still loves to scream, he loves to be tickled and giggles, and he loves getting raspberries blown on his tummy. he still loves his snuggle time with mommy and daddy. he is working on his bottom two teeth, so he has been a little extra cranky. we finally got him a big boy car seat because he out grew his infant car seat.

i can't believe he is 8 months already, i know i say that every time i post something about him. but time is just flying by was to fast, i wish i could just stop it sometimes.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

the many reasons i love this boy

oh there are so many reasons i love this boy but here are some:

i love when i wake up in the morning he is always so happy, and sometimes lets me go back to sleep and when he is ready to get up starts to kick me

i love that when i come home from work and walk thru the door he is always so excited to see me, and has plenty of "kisses" to give me

i love how when he gets tired rubs his eyes and starts to snuggle up with his blankets

i love how he is still so snuggly and loves being held and rocked with me

i love that when i hold him reaches up and puts his hands on my face

i love to hear him giggle its the best sound in the world.

i love to hear him babble away and see him try to "fly" swinging his arms and legs around.

i love knowing that he choose me as his mom, and what a sweet spirit he is, and that he bring so much joy and happiness to my life.

i could go on and on and on, my heart is so full.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

7 month pictures

here are some up to date pictures of jaxson

Saturday, October 16, 2010

dear stress you can go away now

dear stress..please go away i have had enough of you already and i am done, i am tired of stressing about dustin leaving next month, i am tired of stressing about having to lose 37 lbs by the end of this month...i am tired of stressing about passing my bca at the end of the month, and prt in november, so i don't lose my orders and get stuck in port hueneme until my contract ends in july of 2012...i am tired of worrying about what is going on with my femine parts, whether it's pcos or cancer, i just wanted to know what in the world is going on. you can go away NOW!!! please and thank me

Friday, October 15, 2010

7 months

so here is jaxson's 7 month update, will post pictures when i get my camera charged.

eating: 6 oz w/ 1 tsp rice cereal, barley cereal in the morning, veggies for lunch, and fruit for dinner, he likes peas, carrots, and sweet potatoes, dislikes green beans and squash, fruit he likes peaches, pears, and apples, doesn't like bananas too much. he likes rice and barley cereal, not a fan of oatmeal.

sleeping: depends on the night and if his teeth are bothering him 5 to 6 hrs, was 6 to 7, he takes about 3 naps a day anywhere between 20 mintues to 2 hrs.

delevopments: is now rolling from back to tummy, tummy to back, is trying to scoot around, rocks on his tummy trying to go places but cant figure it out, is almost sitting up by himself. figured out how to bounce in his excersaucer. loves going for walks in his stroller, likes being outside, being read to, and sung to, rocking in the rocker, and snuggling with mommy or daddy. he is blabbling up a storm, and likes to scream now, and likes to blow raspberries. likes to grab at everything, from hair to your face, if it's within his reach he will grab and put it in his mouth.

i can't believe he will be a yr old in 5 months, time keeps flying by, i wish i could just stop it, i love this little guy so very much.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


i feel like i am grasping at different strands in my life right now and i can't get a good hold on any. i am stressing majorly right now, dustin leaves for san diego november 21, so jaxson and i will be here in hueneme, by ourselves until we move down there in april when i transfer, so i have to worry about all the bills by myself, getting ready for our physical fitness assesment in 10 wks and making sure i am within weight standards come prt time. plus i have to start studying for e-5 exam, i take it in march and i want to make e-5 my first time up. so i feel like i have alot on my plate, plus i still have jaxson to take care of, and a house to keep up on, and dustin, and i feel like sometimes i don't get the support i need from him. i feel like i am always the one dealing with the baby and keeping the house clean, and when i ask him to help me with the house, he either puts it off until i do it myself, or gripes about it. i feel like i am his mom most of the time, its become very frustrating, and i don't know what to do. i feel like things are starting to fall apart and i don't know what to do to fix them or to keep them from falling apart, and it hurts.

Friday, September 17, 2010

more pictures to entertaine you

here are some updated pictures of jax, top one is him trying out his highchair...second eating peas, and last one is green beans..enjoy!! :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6 month update

here is jaxson's 6 month update:

weight: 14lbs 2 oz
height: 26 inches (long and skinny)
eating habbits: 6 or 5 oz bottle every 3 or 4 hrs, eats cereal (barley) in the morning, and is now eating vegetables..doesn't like green beans, but likes peas, usually twice a day, in the afternoon and evening.
developments: now rolls on his tummy, babbles up a storm, grabs at his toys, likes putting his hands on your face and touching, likes to grab daddy's glasses off his face and throw them, likes to pull mommy's hair. loves to stand up, sits by himself for a minute or two. loves to be read to, and sung to. loves being rocked to sleep. likes peek a boo.

he doesn't go back to the doctor until he is 9 months, i can't believe these last 6 months have gone by so fast. he is not a baby anymore, he is turning into a little boy, and it makes me sad, but excited to see all the changes and developments he is doing. his personality is starting to come out and he is going to be one sweet little boy, but with a temper. i can't wait for him to start crawling and walking, and turning one, i am excited but scared at the sametime, and it makes me sad, cause the closer it gets to him being one, that means the closer i get to having to leave for san diego and eventually leaving for deployment and leaving behind my boys for 8 months...but i am not going to focus on that, i am going to take it one day at a time and enjoy all the time i have with him right now..i love him so much, i never realize how much one little person can have your heart in the palm of his hand. i love waking up to his smiling face every morning, he makes my day so much better when i get home from a hard day at work and i walk thru the door and he sees me and just smiles, it melts my heart. i can't believe how much i love this little guy, it's so unbelieveable being a mom, yes it is a hard at times and fruastrating, but i wouoldn't traded for anything in the world, and i can't wait to be able to have another, when the time comes and when heavenly father sees fit to bless dustin and i with another one.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

let us not forget

let us not forget what happen 9 yrs ago today..always keep them in your thoughts, and to all the victims families my thoughts are prayers are with you today. to all you are serving beside my husband and i defending this country so this doesn't ever happen again..thank you!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

picture updates

here are some updated pictures of jaxson, he and i went to san diego last week, it was a much needed vacation for me. i took him to the zoo and to sea world he enjoyed, and i enjoyed getting to spend 8 days with him. we took him to the doctor last week cause he had a cold, when they weighed him he was 13 lbs 14 oz, but his 6 month appointment is next turesday so i will have updates and stats than. enjoy the pictures

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

5 month update

here is jaxson 5 month update

sleeping patterns: night time anywhere between 7 to 10 hrs..naps 2 or 3 a day, anywhere from 30mins to 3 hrs

eating: 6 ozs every three hrs and he has now started eating rice was funny when i would drink a soda he would follow it, and when i would bring the can up to his mouth he would try and eat it, and with food he would try and eat it, so i decided he was ready for rice cereal, and he is all about it you give it to him and he slurps it off of the spoon so cute..hopefully next month he will be ready for vegetables..we shall see...he is also on a different formula called neosure..his doctor recommended it and it seems to be helping with gaining weight..he is getting so fat.

new devlopments: he is rolling on his tummy now, sucking on his thumb/hand, he is trying to sit up on his own he does pretty good for a min and than falls to his soon he will be sitting up..his new thing is screaming now..whether he is happy or mad he will scream. he loves books and being read to..he is working on his first tooth and likes to chew on everything and anything and drools so much, that if i don't put a bib on him is onesie will be soaked from drool. i think that's it for now.

he will go in for his 6 month next month..may time is going by so fast, it's crazy to go back and look at his pictures from when he was first born to now, he has changed so much and is starting to develop his own little personality, he is such a happy baby, i love waking up to him smiling so big at me, and loves that as soon as i come home from work and i say hi he gets all excited for me to be home.

Monday, August 9, 2010


so i have been thinking lately i need to set some goals for myself and accomplish them..i have set goals before and never really accomplish keeping fingers cross that i will accomplish them..

1. get jaxson to roll onto his tummy
2. lose baby weight (20lbs) + 10 to 15 roughly 35 lbs
3. be able to run a 1.5 mile in 15 mins or less by november
4. read book of mormon for at least 15 mins every day
5. read to jaxson before bed
6. have jaxson sleep in his crib at night instead of with me (not hard for him, but will be hard for me)
mmmmm..that's all that i can think of for right now..more to come..comment on what you think please

Sunday, August 8, 2010

a lazy sunday

figure it's been awhile since i have updated this thing..currently jaxson is in his swing watching sponge bob..he hasn't been feeling good..i think he is getting a cold or the dust and dirt from our street being redone is bothering him..either way he has been rather cranky and clingy today. i finally got around to putting pictures in his baby book and am currently working on doing his scrap book with all the pictures that have been taken of him so far. i like doing it, it keeps me busy when jaxson is sleeping and i don't have anything else on my list to do around the house or errands to run. and i figure when he gets old he will like to look thru it, like i use to when i did have mine, wish i still did so i would have been able to show jaxson and dustin, but mistakes were made and i can't go back and change that, although many many times i wish i could. was not able to go to church today due to jaxson not feeling well, so i have to wait until my next weekend off, it's rather annoying that i will only get to go to church every other weekend until november, cause when novemeber gets here and dustin leaves for san diego i won't be working weekends so that will be nice. jaxson is now gaining weight, we switch him to smiliac neosure formula, when we had gone in for his 4 month apointment his doctor recomended it, and so far so go it's supose to help him gain weight, cause he is under the curve for weight but following it. so hopefully by the time we go in for his 6 month appointment in september he will be a good size hoping for 16 lbs but that maybe asking to much of him. he has an apointment with the high risk specialist at st.johns hospital this week, they saw him before he left the nicu when he was born, they are just wanting to see how he is developing so far. mmm..that's it for now.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

rice cereal time

pictures from jaxson eating rice cereal

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

4 months

so here are jaxson's stats for 4 months so far

weight: 10 lbs 14 oz
height: 23.5 inches long
eating habbits: 6 oz every 3 or 4 hours, soy formula with 1 tbs of rice cereal..we tried just regular rice cereal once, he isn't quite ready we will wait until next month to try again.
sleeping: takes a couple of naps thru out the day, not as long, he is more awake, and at night sleeps about 6 to 7 hrs now.
new developments: he is learning to roll on to his tummy, he gets close but can't figure out how to move his arm to get completly on his tummy. he has figured out he has a thumb and likes to eat his hands and suck on his thumb, he pulls on his toys and is very alert, and talks and smiles all the time now.

he is now starting to teeth, so he has been extra cranky.