Sunday, April 25, 2010

1 month pictures of jaxson

Jaxson with my cover on to my uniform
i had to buy him sunglass..still a little big
curled up in his first shot that day
was napping with mom
on our way home from san diego.,.first road trip

Saturday, April 24, 2010

jaxson update

so jaxson had his 1 month appointment with the doctor this past week, he now weighs 6 lbs 9 oz and is 20.5 inches long. he is so very long. but i will start updating every month and inbetween than. so far for his first month of life:

sleeping: during the day he sleeps, and at night he sleeps 3 to 5 hrs, depending if i give him a fat bottle before he conks out.

eating: he is almost up to 3 oz, he eats between 60 ccs and 85 ccs.

interests: he is getting better at holding up his head, when i lay him on my chest he will left his head up, he is becoming more active and alert, no smiles yet, only when he is sleeping.

he is on formula..wish i could breast feed but was not able to. we head out to az on wednesday and we are both excited to see all the family, jaxson will be getting blessed, so i am looking forwrad to that. i guess that's all for now.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

rough day

jaxson and i had a rough day today..he only wanted to take one 20 min nap today..he slept until 10 and was up from than..and was very fussy and every time i would put him down to sleep he would wake right back it has been a long day to say the least. but i know this won't be the last rough day i will have with him. but i am excited about going to arizona next week. and thank you grandma for the beautiful quilt.

Friday, April 16, 2010

arizona bound

jaxson and i will be flying out to arizona on april 28th till may 2, to see all the family, thought i would make a quick trip to az before i have to be back to work. i start work again on may 3 not really looking forward to it, it's been weird not working since feb 14th. it feels like forever, i really wish i didn't have to go back. but i got to do what i got to do, i thought i wanted to get out of the navy but now i am thinking about crossrating, switching jobs and staying in a little bit longer, only due to the economy, and its decent money. but if they don't have anything that i want to switch to that's open, than i will finish the 2 yrs i have left and get out. and use my gi bill to go back to school and do what..i haven't got a clue right now, but maybe i will have that figured out in 2 yrs we shall see.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

visit from mom and dad

so mom and dad arrived yestarday to visit for awhile, and for mom to help me out with jax. it's been much appreciated, as i adjust to very little sleep. it's not too bad jaxson wakes up about every three hours, and he is usually up for an hour during the middle of the night. he is doing better about sleeping in his bassinet, as long as i wrap him all snug and tight he doesn't complain too much. he actually is quite a good baby, he doesn't fuss too much, only when he is hungry and tired. other than that he is a pretty content little guy. i got very lucky. jax had his first doctor's appointment yestarday with the on base pediatrican. he is now 5 lbs 13 oz and 19.5 inches long. so he is going to be long and skinny. i think the nurses measured him wrong when he was born cause he was 17 1/4 inches long and three weeks later he is 19.5 inches long, so how did he grow 2.5 inches in two weeks?? oh well, he has to go back in two weeks cause the doctor says he is growing satisfactory, he eats between 50 and 60 ccs, sometimes more depends on how much he ate at his last feeding. although when he wakes up in the middle of the night he tends to eat more, probaly to keep him asleep for longer. i just can't wait for when he sleeps 5 to 6 hrs a night, but that won't be for awhile. i am not looking forward to going back to work and leaving him..its going to be hard, but sadly its what i have to do.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

finally home

so after two weeks jaxson is finally home, he came home yestarday afternoon. it took forever to get him discharged, first i had to wait for the occupational thearpist to come and feed him to see how he does. after that i had to wait for the doctor to come take a look at him and finally around 3:00 pm he was discharged and allow to go home. so far its been interesting. last night was a very long night, up till about 3:3o am i was able to sleep for 45 mins at a time and jax would wake up. than i from 3:30 to 6:00 i was able to sleep and than from 6:30 to 8:45 i was able to sleep. and i have had one nap today with him. he doesn't seem to content with his bassinent, and would rather sleep next to me in the bed. i know some people say you shouldn't do that, but for me its so much easier especially with feedings. right now he is in his glider sleeping, his feedings are going okay, he is eating around 30 to 35 ccs, he ate more in the hopsital, but i think he is still getting adjusted to being at home and not at the hospital. as long as he is gaing weight, its fine with me. he is now 19 inches long. he is long and skinny, but hopefully not for long. he seems fine with his carseat and the car. mmmmm...i think thats it for now.