Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Monday, August 16, 2010

5 month update

here is jaxson 5 month update

sleeping patterns: night time anywhere between 7 to 10 hrs..naps 2 or 3 a day, anywhere from 30mins to 3 hrs

eating: 6 ozs every three hrs and he has now started eating rice cereal..it was funny when i would drink a soda he would follow it, and when i would bring the can up to his mouth he would try and eat it, and with food he would try and eat it, so i decided he was ready for rice cereal, and he is all about it you give it to him and he slurps it off of the spoon so cute..hopefully next month he will be ready for vegetables..we shall see...he is also on a different formula called neosure..his doctor recommended it and it seems to be helping with gaining weight..he is getting so fat.

new devlopments: he is rolling on his tummy now, sucking on his thumb/hand, he is trying to sit up on his own he does pretty good for a min and than falls to his side..so soon he will be sitting up..his new thing is screaming now..whether he is happy or mad he will scream. he loves books and being read to..he is working on his first tooth and likes to chew on everything and anything and drools so much, that if i don't put a bib on him is onesie will be soaked from drool. i think that's it for now.

he will go in for his 6 month next month..may time is going by so fast, it's crazy to go back and look at his pictures from when he was first born to now, he has changed so much and is starting to develop his own little personality, he is such a happy baby, i love waking up to him smiling so big at me, and loves that as soon as i come home from work and i say hi he gets all excited for me to be home.

Monday, August 9, 2010


so i have been thinking lately i need to set some goals for myself and accomplish them..i have set goals before and never really accomplish them..so keeping fingers cross that i will accomplish them..

1. get jaxson to roll onto his tummy
2. lose baby weight (20lbs) + 10 to 15 extra..so roughly 35 lbs
3. be able to run a 1.5 mile in 15 mins or less by november
4. read book of mormon for at least 15 mins every day
5. read to jaxson before bed
6. have jaxson sleep in his crib at night instead of with me (not hard for him, but will be hard for me)
mmmmm..that's all that i can think of for right now..more to come..comment on what you think please

Sunday, August 8, 2010

a lazy sunday

figure it's been awhile since i have updated this thing..currently jaxson is in his swing watching sponge bob..he hasn't been feeling good..i think he is getting a cold or the dust and dirt from our street being redone is bothering him..either way he has been rather cranky and clingy today. i finally got around to putting pictures in his baby book and am currently working on doing his scrap book with all the pictures that have been taken of him so far. i like doing it, it keeps me busy when jaxson is sleeping and i don't have anything else on my list to do around the house or errands to run. and i figure when he gets old he will like to look thru it, like i use to when i did have mine, wish i still did so i would have been able to show jaxson and dustin, but mistakes were made and i can't go back and change that, although many many times i wish i could. was not able to go to church today due to jaxson not feeling well, so i have to wait until my next weekend off, it's rather annoying that i will only get to go to church every other weekend until november, cause when novemeber gets here and dustin leaves for san diego i won't be working weekends so that will be nice. jaxson is now gaining weight, we switch him to smiliac neosure formula, when we had gone in for his 4 month apointment his doctor recomended it, and so far so go it's supose to help him gain weight, cause he is under the curve for weight but following it. so hopefully by the time we go in for his 6 month appointment in september he will be a good size hoping for 16 lbs but that maybe asking to much of him. he has an apointment with the high risk specialist at st.johns hospital this week, they saw him before he left the nicu when he was born, they are just wanting to see how he is developing so far. mmm..that's it for now.