Sunday, January 30, 2011

bad news/good news

so on friday when jaxson and i got down to san diego, dustin decided to break some news to me..first he will be leaving for training on valentine's day and will be gone until march 22, i don't really mind that he will be missing valentine's day, i am bummed that he will miss jaxson's first birthday. than he told me that two weeks after jaxson and i move down to san diego, he will be leaving for malyasia(sp) for up to a year..sigh.but the good news he got me this to make it a little easier..a new engagement ring, because the orignal one that i got i broke while i was pregnant with jaxson, and i bought a new one, but he wanted to get me one, so he suprised me with that beauty friday night..:)

Thursday, January 20, 2011


so i am starting to feel discourage about my whole goal in losing my baby weight and than some..i know i just started..but it just feels like i am not seeing any results yet..i know that i will be building muscle at first and than start to lose the weight..but it's just fraustrating..cause i feel pressure from myself and pressure from the navy, because according to them i waited to long to lose the weight..REALLY!?...sorry that i have a son to take care of and i don't really feel like scarfing my time spent with him doing something else, yes it's partially my fault for waiting for so long to do, but i have been trying but between jaxson and working long crazy hours it's been difficult to find time to squeeze in losing weight. but i am working on.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Monday, January 17, 2011

10 months

so here is jaxson's 10 month update, he turned 10 months on saturday..can't believe he will be 1 in march, time has gone by way too fast.

weight: 19 or 20 lbs
height: 30 inches?

feeding: he is down to 4 8 oz bottles, he only gets those when he is going down for naps or before bed, so one around 4 or 5 am, one before his morning nap, one before his afternoon nap and one before he goes to bed at night. he eats cereal for breakfast, and veggies or fruit for lunch and dinner. we have tried some regular food with him, he doesn't mind tofu, loves pancakes, and likes gerber yogurt bites and the puffs.

sleeping: he takes two naps a day, sometimes three depends on how long of naps he has had, sleep at night, 7 to 8 hrs, i have now broken him of his habit of waking up in the middle of the night and having a bottle, now if he does i just either let him fuss himself back to sleep or i go and pat his butt and he falls back to sleep.

developments: he has learned how to put himself into the sitting position, he gets up on and his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, hopefully he will be crawling soon. he is trying to pull himself up on anything and everything he can. he is army crawling every where. he loves playing with the kids at day care and likes peekaboo, being tickled and tickle bug, so big, loves being read to, and playing with mommy and daddy, and he plays really well by himself. he has his bottom two teeth and now has his top right now coming thru.

he is such a sweet boy and has the cutest personality, he loves people and is starting to get a little shy when he meets people but doesn't take him very long to warm up to you with a big teethy smile. he is always happy unless he is teething or getting a cold, he does have a temper, and can get upset and throws his fits if he doesn't get something he wants. but i love him so very much and don't know what i would do without him, he has brought so much joy and happiness to mine and dustin's life. i have recent pictures of him, i will upload them when i get a chance.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

new year's goals..not resolutions

so i am not make resolutions this year..more like goals is how i see it, so here are my goals that i am setting, and will keep track thru out the year.

1. lose my pregency weight (25 lbs) to fit back into my dress whites from boot camp, by the time i check into my new command (april 18th).
2. pay off all of my debt that i have aculmated among the years, that way i can happily say i am not in debt.
3. attend church and read the that i have a set of my own.

i have a fourth one but that's more personal, and when and if that one happens i will leave it up to heavenly father.

so there are my goals this year, i am going to work very hard and accomplish all 3 of them. hope everyone had a good new is to 2011 and what it has instore.