Sunday, October 14, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A much needed update

So I have been meaning to get on here and update just been busy with school and the kids that blogging gets pushed aside.  So were to begin, oh we found out we are having another girl!! So looks like Jaxson will be our one and only boy, Dustin was sad that we weren't having another boy.  As for me, I was fine with it, I didn't really care either way as long as this little one get's here safe and sound, and the fact that I don't have an excuse to go and buy baby clothes is a plus.  We still haven't decided on a name for the little lady, trying decided between:


So when we do decide we will let everyone know, for now she is just little lady.  Went to Maddie's 6/7 month check up last week:

weight: 16lbs 2oz
height: 25 inches
head: 40 cm

She is in the 32 percentile for her weight, the 30th percentile for her height, and the 98th percentile for her head.  The doctor was happy with her weight and her height, and overall she is a very happy little girl.  She has been on solids for awhile,  she likes carrots, sweet potatoes, mixed veggies, garden veggies, pears, apples, bananas (especially smashed regular bananas), she loves steamed squash much better than Gerber squash, she likes baked sweet potatoes to.  I have been trying out making my own baby food along with Gerber, since we get Gerber for free.  So far she is not a fan of steamed green beans or peas and avocados.  She is army crawling all over the place and tries and gets on her knees, she probably will be crawling here soon.  Jaxson is growing like a weed, he loves playing outside with the dog, and anything Thomas the Train or Elmo.  He is starting to slowly but surely talk more, and he is a little spit fire, but love him so much.  He keeps me on my toes most days.  Dustin is doing good the Navy is keeping him busy, he will be leaving soon for a couple of weeks to do a training exercise at Camp Penldton.  There maybe a possibility of him going to Korea, but as of right now we don't know.  I am doing good school is keeping me busy, I just finished my English class with a C+, not what I wanted but such is life.  I am currently taking a Lit class from Civil War to present, and that goes until the end of January.   The pregnancy so far is going good, she is an avid little kicker, blood pressure has been doing good, and I still have to go and do the glucose test, I am hoping that I don't have gestational diabetes again, had with Madison.  Other than that life is pretty chaotic with two kids and a husband.  I will update more soon. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

extra extra

So I figured it has been awhile since I have updated this thing, and it's Sunday, I might as well.  So we moved about 3 weeks ago into one of our buddies house who moved back to Montana.  We are enjoying being back in a house and not in a tiny apartment anymore. Jaxson loves having a back yard to play in, he is growing like a weed, and talking a little bit more.  Maddie is now 6 months, but she won't be seeing the doctor until next month due to the Navy Hospital being super busy right now.  She is still sleeping thru the night and takes about 3 naps a day.  She is eating stage 2 baby food, and the only thing she doesn't like is squash suprisingly.  She rolls every where and is now sitting up on her own.  My guess she will be crawling within the next month or so. She is always happy and smiling unless she is hungry or tired, or gets frustrated because she can't figure out how to get to something that is not within her reach.  I am doing good, this pregnancy is going good, haven't been to sick, just mostly tired.  I am due Feb 6, and I go in on the 19th to find out whether it's a boy or a girl.  Dustin wants another boy, me I wouldn't mind another girl, but really I am fine with either one as long as the baby is healthy and gets here on time.  Dustin is doing good, the Navy is keeping him busy, he was gone for 7 days in August to do some fire fighting training up in the mountains.  He is suppose to be gone for about a month starting in October to do more training at Camp Penldton.  But he may not have to go due to having a hernia.  Other than that, not alot is happening on our end, although last Sunday we did experience two earthquakes.  But I will update again next month after Madison 6 month appointment.

Friday, July 13, 2012

4 months

weight: 12lbs 12oz
height: 23 inchs
head: 46 cms

sleeping: she takes naps thru out the day and sleeps thru the night, she has been since she was about 2.5 months old.

eating: she is now up to 6 oz and we just started her on rice cereal..she gets that 2x a day and really likes it.

developments: she now rolls onto her tummy...she pushes off her feet and scoots every where, she smiles and giggles all the time.  she is a very happy and content baby, and we love her to pieces.

more at 6 months!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

oh boy...

SURPRISE!!! Yes we are expecting again and what a surprise it is...very very unexpected as of right now the estimated due date is Feb 11, 2013, but I go in for an ultrasound on July 3rd and we will know the exact due date.  So this one and Maddie will be about 12 months apart, very close.  We are excited and over whelmed for this next arrival.  I will keep you guys updated!! :)


Monday, June 4, 2012

yes we are still alive

it's been awhile..but thought i would update you on what is going on in our lives right now, most recently dustin made e-5 he is getting frocked on thursday (maddie and i will be there).  i am still in school finished my first class last week with a b-..not too bad for my first online class..i start tomorrow today actually.  i am also looking into getting licensed thru the state to become a home day care provider and try and work for the navy, i am pretty excited about it.  it means i will still be able to stay home with jaxson and madison and go to school but be able to earn some extra income.  we are going to be moving again at the end of july (we are moving into a friends house who is moving back to their home state).  jaxson is growing like a weed and slowly starting to talk more, maddie is getting big, she goes in for her 4 month check up at the end of this month,,she is getting better at lifting up her head, and she scoots around when you put on a blanket..she tries to push herself onto her side, she hasn't figured out how to roll over yet, but hopefully soon.  i guess that's all for now..short but sweet. more at the end of this month.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy as a clam

My heart is full..especially today since it is mother's day.  I am so greatful for these two and the fact that they choose me to be their mom.  I couldn't ask for anything more, and so long I wanted to be a mom and they made it happen.  I hope and pray that I can be a good example to them both as my mom has been to me over the years!! I am greatful for my own mom and the love she has shown me over the years.  She has helped me become the mom I am hoping to be and know I can.  I know I am going to make mistakes, I am not perfect, but I hope that Jaxson and Madison will always know that I love them no matter what they do or where they go in their lives.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

Maddie 2 months

Here are her stats for 2 months

weight: 10lbs 4.07 oz
height: 25 inches

she is in 39th percentile for her weight and 20th percentile for her height.  the doctor is very pleased with her weight gain, cause when we went in for her 2 wk they were worried.  but she is a little porker.

activities: she eats 3 to 3.5 oz every 3 hrs and naps thru out the day, she is now smiling and is cooing and it is too cute.  she is very alert and is very much a momma's girl, whenever dustin holds her and she hears me, she will try and figure out where i am.  she sleeps at night pretty good, usually 5 hrs one time she even slept for 7.  which is quite nice, because it took jaxson along time to sleep thru the night.  she gets cuter every day and i wish time would slow down.  more updates at her 4 month.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Thursday, April 12, 2012

my day as a stay at home mom

So I recently read an article where Mitt Romney's wife was critized for being a stay at home mom, and that she never worked a day in her life. I thought that was actually pretty rude of someone to say that because to me being a mom whether you stay home with your kids or work is still a full time job.  I just recently had the privillage of being able to stay home with my kids and I love (most) days, but that's like with any thing in life, I have my good days and my bad days, and there are some really bad days.  But to show the people who don't have kids what it's like, here is what my day is like:

1:00 am or 2:00 am Madison wakes up to eat (feed and change) and try and get her back to sleep.
5:30 am wake up feed Madison, get Dustin's lunch pack and say bye to him for the day
6:30 to 8:30 get some sleep before both kids wake up, feed Madison and put her back down, and jump into the shower with Jaxson.
9:00 feed Jaxson, attempt to straighten up the kitchen while he is eating breakfast (dishes, sweeping, wipe the counters down)
 10ish Let Jaxson watch Disney channel, while I feed and change Madison, than get both kids dress
11:00 to Noon, spend time with Jaxson while Madison naps, and feed Jaxson lunch
1:00 Put Jaxson down for a nap, and pick up around the house while both kids sleep, and try and get some school work done, and some how mange to eat.
3:00 Jaxson wakes up from his nap, feed him a snack and change him, play with him while Madison sleeps.
 4:30 Dustin comes home, have him occupy Jaxson while I try and get dinner started.
5is Feed Madison, entertain Jaxson and try and get dinner finish
5:30 or 6 feed Jaxson, Dustin, and myself.
7:00 start getting Jaxson ready for bed
8:00 feed Madison and change her, put Jaxson down for the night, spend time with Dustin before he goes to bed.
8:30 to 10 hop online and check facebook while everyone sleeps, and try and finish homwork, feed Madison and play with her until she falls back to sleep.

the schedule never stays the same, depends on the kids, Madison fighting sleep or Jaxson not wanting to take a nap, to trying to start potty training Jaxson, or appointments ect.  But this is usually how my day is, trying to make sure my home is in order and my kiddos are fed and happy, and my husband is happy, this is my life as a stay at home mom, it's not always easy and it's not a glamourous job, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Madison 1 month

here are madison stats for 5 wks

weight: 9lbs 3 oz (she was weighed at wic last friday)
height : 21.5 inches (so she only grew .5 inch since she was born)
feeding: about every 3 to 4 hrs, i am nursing and also supplementing with formula, so after she nurses and if she is still hungry she will eat between 3 and 4 ounces of formula..i have a little porker on my hands.
sleeping: she naps thru out the day and at night she sleeps 4 to 5 hours, which i rather enjoy, unless it's a bad night than it's about 2 to 3.

she is very alert when she is awake and is starting to gain better control of her head, she hasn't smiled yet, only in her sleep which is still cute.  jaxson has been good with her and is very interested and likes to talk to her and try and help with her, and if i am sitting on the couch holding her, he will want to hold her. 

she is a wonderful addition to our family and am so greatful to have her.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Jaxson 2 yr update

Jaxson's birthday was last week, and am now updating here are some of stats ect.

weight: 28lbs
height: not sure, they didn't tell me

likes: daddy, mommy(sometimes), cars, books, food wise he likes, bannans, cheerios, goldfish, mac and cheese, hot dogs, spaghetti, pasta, rice, carrots, green beans, peas, crackers, graham crackers.  he is a pretty good eater.

developments: he says hi, bye, momma, dada, uh oh, wow, bues cues(blues clues) sponge bob, he makes monkey sounds, train sounds, car sounds, growls.  waves bye, blows kisses, gives hugs.

he is going to the audiology to test his hearing, because his doctor and i are worried about his speech, because at two he is suppose to put two words togeather and he really doesn't, so after he goes to the audiology i will be making an appointment with a speech therapist to see what they have to say.

he is getting use to being a big brother, and he is sweet to madison, if she starts to cry and i am not holding her he will go up to her and "talk" to her.  he will give her kisses and has shown interest in wanting to hold her.  i am glad he isn't too jealous of her,  since madison has arrived he has now turned into a daddy's boy, which makes me sad but i knew it would happen. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Madison Nicole Lauricha

Madison arrived on 2/27/12 weighing 7lbs 10oz and 21 inches long, we are very excited that she arrived safe and sound after 23 hrs of labor.  enjoy the pictures!!

Monday, February 20, 2012

6 days

update i am going to be induced on the 26th, the reason being is because of the gestational diabetes and also the doctor is worried that since i had precamplisa with jaxson that it might show up again.  so they rather be safe than sorry.  so madison will be making her apperance in 6 days and i am beyond excited for her to get here safe and sound.  i will post pictures after she gets here!! :)

Thursday, January 19, 2012

we've got a big girl on our hands

so today i went in to get an ultrasound to see maddie was developing, and she is doing good, fluid is good ect, and she did good on the monitor on wed (i go once a week due to the diabetes).  so the ultrasound tech came back and said that maddie weighed 5lbs 12 oz, dustin and i looked at eachother and went oh crap we are going to have one big girl when she gets here.  my guess she will be 8 or 9 lbs by the time she gets here.  and i still have 4 to 6 weeks left.  i just realized that she out weighs jaxson when he was born (5 lbs 5 oz),  good thing i didn't get alot of newborn clothes, because more than likely she won't fit into them for very long.  i can't wait to meet her though.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Happy New Year

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and a good New Year,  I know every year everyone makes the same resolutions, but my only resolution this year is to get Madison here safe and on time.  And so far so good,  this pregency has been much different than Jaxson's.  I am now 32 weeks pregnant, and when I was this far along with Jaxson I was sitting in a hospital bed cause of high blood pressure.  So far my blood pressure has stayed where it needs to be, and I am keeping my fingers crossed that it will stay that way for the next 8 (almost 7 weeks).  The only thing that has gone "wrong" with the pregency is gestational diabetes, but it hasn't been too bad, I have to take my blood sugar 4x a day, and watch what I eat, not too many carbs or my blood sugar sky rockets, and watch the sugar and so far so good.  I am not going once a week to be hooked up to a monitor to have Maddie's heart rate monitored due to the diabetes.  I went for the first time today, and she looked good and sounded good, although she slept for the first 30 mins of the monitoring and than right before the nurse took me off, she decided to wake up...little stinker.   I am getting ready to take some time off from school to get ready for Maddie's arrival, and I need a break, I enjoy school but it's become stressful and I have been on the go for the past three years (with the Navy) and than as soon as I got out of the Navy I went right into school.  And honestly I do want to get my degree but I would rather be at home with my babies, that is where my heart is.  I feel like I have missed out on so much in the first year and half of Jaxson's life, due to the Navy and having him in day care, it makes me sad that I have had other people raise him.  I remember saying along time ago to myself that I never wanted someone else to raise my kids. I know with the navy that wasn't possible and one of the many reasons why I got out.  Dustin is doing good, keeping busy with work and Jaxson and I.  Jaxson is growing like a weed, he will be 21 months on Sunday and I can't believe that in 9 weeks he will be 2, where has the time gone, and that in almost 7 weeks I will be a Mom of 2, crazy what life gives you.  I am not complaining at all, I love being a mom, and love the fact that Heavenly Father has given me the opportunity to be one, and maybe hopefully continue to add another one (eventually) down the line.  It's going to be a strange adjustment going from one to 2 and adjusting to having a newborn in the house again, but I am looking foward to that day where I will finally be able to snuggle with my little girl.  Other than that life is pretty good, busy but good.  I feel blessed for everything that has happen in our lives and couldn't be happier!!!!!