Monday, January 18, 2010

jaxson update

went to the doctor on friday, had been home for the past 8 days due to really swollen feet. i had taken a gluccose test last week, and got the results back when i went to the doctor they came back high. so the doctor put me on a 1800 calorie diet for a week and this coming friday i have to go back and do another test but for 3 hrs this time. also found out that i am anemic and am now on extra iron pills. going in for an ultrasound tomorrow, cause the doctor measured my belly and it measured 25 cm, so doctor wants to make jax is growing and that he has enough amnotic fluid. i am now seeing the doctor every two weeks so next appointment is on the 29th, will be 28 wks tomorrow only 12 wks left until the little guy gets here, can't believe that its going by so fast. i am excited to meet and see him.

Friday, January 1, 2010

wonders why

you only were here but awhile, but long enough to leave your impression on all of us. you left behind a family that loves you so very much. heavenly father had other plans for you, your mission here on earth had been completed. we will never know why you had to end your journey so soon. but you watch over your sister if tend care. always bring comfort to the three that miss you the most, always let them know that you are near and that you love them so. and that one day you will all be togeather again.