Sunday, October 14, 2012

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A much needed update

So I have been meaning to get on here and update just been busy with school and the kids that blogging gets pushed aside.  So were to begin, oh we found out we are having another girl!! So looks like Jaxson will be our one and only boy, Dustin was sad that we weren't having another boy.  As for me, I was fine with it, I didn't really care either way as long as this little one get's here safe and sound, and the fact that I don't have an excuse to go and buy baby clothes is a plus.  We still haven't decided on a name for the little lady, trying decided between:


So when we do decide we will let everyone know, for now she is just little lady.  Went to Maddie's 6/7 month check up last week:

weight: 16lbs 2oz
height: 25 inches
head: 40 cm

She is in the 32 percentile for her weight, the 30th percentile for her height, and the 98th percentile for her head.  The doctor was happy with her weight and her height, and overall she is a very happy little girl.  She has been on solids for awhile,  she likes carrots, sweet potatoes, mixed veggies, garden veggies, pears, apples, bananas (especially smashed regular bananas), she loves steamed squash much better than Gerber squash, she likes baked sweet potatoes to.  I have been trying out making my own baby food along with Gerber, since we get Gerber for free.  So far she is not a fan of steamed green beans or peas and avocados.  She is army crawling all over the place and tries and gets on her knees, she probably will be crawling here soon.  Jaxson is growing like a weed, he loves playing outside with the dog, and anything Thomas the Train or Elmo.  He is starting to slowly but surely talk more, and he is a little spit fire, but love him so much.  He keeps me on my toes most days.  Dustin is doing good the Navy is keeping him busy, he will be leaving soon for a couple of weeks to do a training exercise at Camp Penldton.  There maybe a possibility of him going to Korea, but as of right now we don't know.  I am doing good school is keeping me busy, I just finished my English class with a C+, not what I wanted but such is life.  I am currently taking a Lit class from Civil War to present, and that goes until the end of January.   The pregnancy so far is going good, she is an avid little kicker, blood pressure has been doing good, and I still have to go and do the glucose test, I am hoping that I don't have gestational diabetes again, had with Madison.  Other than that life is pretty chaotic with two kids and a husband.  I will update more soon.