Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Maddie!!

This little girl is no longer a baby, but now a toddler.  She turned 1 today, I can't believe a year has gone by.  That went by way to fast, I don't have stats for her since her appointment is on Friday.  But She is walking, has been for about a month, she says momma, dadda, hi, nigh nigh, and she waves and claps.  She is a very happy girl and so sweet and cuddly.  She loves playing with Jaxson, and is curious about Makenzie, but does well with her.  I love this little girl so much and am so grateful that I can call her mine!! Happy Birthday Maddie!!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

It's been awhile

So it's been forever since I have written anything, due to not having internet and busy with the kids.  I will fill in what has happen the last couple of months, the most recent Makenzie Ann arrived January 31, 2013 at 303 am, weighing 7lbs 10oz and 19 inches long and with lots of black hair.  She is doing good and we are all adjusting to having a newborn and 3 kids.  Jaxson is growing like a weed and loves his sisters.  We are going to be enrolling him into head start due to him being speech delayed.  Found out that he is at a 18 month to 24 month speech level.  So Dustin and I are hoping that by putting him in head start he will be able to catch up.  Maddie is getting big, can't believe she will be 1 on the 27th, she is starting to walk now and is into every thing that is within her reach.  she is such a sweet nature little girl, but also quick to let you know if she doesn't like something that isn't going her way.  She is adjusting to not being the baby anymore, and is curious about Makenzie but for the most part leaves her alone.  She loves playing with her brother and getting into his toys.  Dustin is doing good, the Navy keeps him pretty busy, we are down to 11 months before we say good bye to the Navy for good.  I am doing good, going to start back up with school hopefully next month and hoping to have my degree done by next year.  We shall see how that goes with the kids and life.  I am so greatful for the 3 wonderful kids I have been blessed with, I know it's going to be alot of work, but it is well worth it when I see their smiling faces.  I will try and update as much as I can.