Monday, August 9, 2010


so i have been thinking lately i need to set some goals for myself and accomplish them..i have set goals before and never really accomplish keeping fingers cross that i will accomplish them..

1. get jaxson to roll onto his tummy
2. lose baby weight (20lbs) + 10 to 15 roughly 35 lbs
3. be able to run a 1.5 mile in 15 mins or less by november
4. read book of mormon for at least 15 mins every day
5. read to jaxson before bed
6. have jaxson sleep in his crib at night instead of with me (not hard for him, but will be hard for me)
mmmmm..that's all that i can think of for right now..more to come..comment on what you think please


  1. I think this is a great list! I think if you had anymore it will be too overwhelming...the baby weight alone can be overwhelming-but you will get there, I promise. Jax is getting so big and oh so handsome, you make a great mom!

  2. thanks shannon, your kiddos are adorable..and i am so excited for you having another girl..i am hoping when we dod have another one it will be a girl
