Tuesday, December 14, 2010

and then there were two

so dustin is now in san diego and jaxson and i are still in port hueneme, until april 1, 2011. that is when i transfer, i can't wait for the day, i am not enjoying being away from dustin and i know jaxson isn't either. i know this is kind of preparing us for what deployments would be like, but it feels harder only cause he is close but yet so far away if that makes any sense whatsoever...and the loneliness is not helping, and that the only people i talk to are people are work and i come home and i have jaxson, now don't get me wrong, i love my son to death, but i need someone to talk to other than a 9 month old...and i can't always talk on the phone to dustin cause he or i are usually busy doing something....it just hard..*tear*

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