Sunday, June 26, 2011

pregency update

so i thought i would update everyone on what is happening with baby L2, well on friday i went to the er, due to cramping and spotting i was worried because i didn't experience that with jaxson. they did urine, and drew blood, and did an ultrasound, i am 5 wks, tomorrow i will be 6, due feb 19, 2012. they couldn't see anything in the uterus, cause its too early, and i have a cyst on my left ovary(already knew that) but they saw something else and are worried that the pregency maybe ectopic. so i got to the er at 1000 am, didn't leave until almost 1100 pm (yes people thats 12 hrs of waiting around). well the ob's came down they did a pelvic exam (that was done twice), but the time the obs came down i wasn't bleeding anymore, and they said that i had a cyst, told them i was diagonised with a cyst on my left ovary and fibroids after i had jaxson, but they didn't seem worried that i was ectopic or that i was miscarring, but i have to go in later tonight to get blood drawn to see if my hormone levels are rising, if they are thats a good thing, if not than more than likely this pregency is ectopic and will more than likely result in a miscarriage. but i am keeping my fingers crossed and praying that everything will be fine with this baby and that he/she will grow nice and healthy for the next 8 months and that i won't have as much complications as i did with jaxson. i do have this feeling that whatever happens it will all work out in the end, just keep us in your prayers! :)

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