Tuesday, June 22, 2010

3 month update

here is jaxson's 3 month update

eating: every 3 to 4 hrs 4.5 oz of soy formula with 1 tsp of rice cereal..that is helping with his spit up issue

sleeping: sleeps thru out the day 1 to 2 hr naps, and has now started sleeping thru the nigh..goes to bed around 1030 or 1100 and sleeps until 530 or 630.

activities; he is more awake during the day..he likes being in his bouncer he swats at his toys that hang from there, he still likes his swing but gets mad cause he can't get to the toys that hang they are too high up. he is smiling on demand now..so if we talk to him eh will smile it's really cute..he is cooing alot more. he is becoming such a cute little boy, i can say that now..he is going to be a sweet little one.

weight and height i am not sure about, because we don't go to the doctor this month, he has an apointment schedule for july 15th, but i know he has gained weight because his face is much fuller and he is starting to get little rolls on his thighs, and he feels heavier..i would say 9 maybe 10 lbs, and he is probaly 22 or 23 inches long. more to come later.

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