Saturday, June 5, 2010

still alive

we are still alive..just havent had much to blog about..i am not back at work..argh..i work every other weekend and between 12 and 16 hr days which makes for a very tired mommy. but things have gotten interesting well last week i found out i made e-4, which i am very excited about. and now dustin is looking for orders cause he is up to transfer in november, so right now he will be transfering in november and might go on deployment to afganhanstan in deceber..we arent for sure yet. but i am up for orders in march and the navy may try and stick us both on deployments which is a bad thing cause of jaxson. but i am going to try and talk to my navy career counsleor and see what can be done about me staying on shore and dustin going on deployment, and if i can i am going to transfer to san diego that way i am closer to family while dustin would be on deployment. it will be hard if he does leave, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. jaxson is feeling better after being sick for a week, he is now back up to 4 ozs every 3 to 4 hrs. he is starting to smile and coo alot more and is so cute. i love getting smiles out of him that's the best part about being a mom is seeig that cute little smile. i am not sure how much he weighs i will find out july 15 when he goes in for his 4 month appointment. man he will be 3 months on the 15th time has gone by fast.


  1. he makes the best faces.

  2. yeah i know he takes after me..i was trying to capture a smile on camera but when i go to take it he would stop i wasn't fast enough..he is smiling ALOT now and its so freakin cute
