Tuesday, July 20, 2010

4 months

so here are jaxson's stats for 4 months so far

weight: 10 lbs 14 oz
height: 23.5 inches long
eating habbits: 6 oz every 3 or 4 hours, soy formula with 1 tbs of rice cereal..we tried just regular rice cereal once, he isn't quite ready we will wait until next month to try again.
sleeping: takes a couple of naps thru out the day, not as long, he is more awake, and at night sleeps about 6 to 7 hrs now.
new developments: he is learning to roll on to his tummy, he gets close but can't figure out how to move his arm to get completly on his tummy. he has figured out he has a thumb and likes to eat his hands and suck on his thumb, he pulls on his toys and is very alert, and talks and smiles all the time now.

he is now starting to teeth, so he has been extra cranky.

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