Friday, July 9, 2010

my life at the moment

-Beverage you had: diet pepsi
-Phone call you made: dustin
-Text message you sent: "sweet how is work?"
Song you listened to: was listening to the music from jaxson's mobile
-Time you cried: a couple of weeks ago

-Dated someone twice: yes
-Been cheated on: not that i know of
-Kissed someone & regretted it:sadly yes
-Lost someone special: of course
-Been depressed: yep..the baby blues suck

1. red
2. black
3. white

-Made a new friend: i guess
-Fallen out of love: no
-Laughed til you cried: more than likely
-Met someone who changed you: yes
-Found out who your true friends were: yes
-Found out someone was talking about you: yes..gotta to love the navy

-How many kids do you want: 3 or 4..already have 1
-Do you have any pets: no but going to get a dog in oct before dustin leaves for san diego
-Do you want to change your name: first name no, but already changed my last name
-What did you do for your last birthday: went to san diego
-What time did you wake up today: cough. alarm went off at 330 am, but got up at 430
-What were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping next to jaxson
-Name something you can NOT wait for: for jaxson to fall asleep..he is currently crying in his crib fighting to go to sleep
-Last time you saw your mother: april
-If you could change 1 thing about your life what would it be: the job i have in the navy
-What are you listening to right now: the tv and jaxson fussing in his crib

-Whats getting on your nerves right now: crap at work
-Full name: Jody Lauricha
-Nicknames: jo, jod, babe
-Relationship status: married
-Zodiac sign: aries
-Male or female: pretty sure i am female
-Elementary: shepard elementary, columbia, MO, commons lane elementary, florissant mo, west school, coolidge, az
-High school: david h hickman high, columbia, mo
-Hair color: brown
-Long or short: short, love it short, so much eaiser
-Height: 5' 5.5
-Have a crush: not really
-What do you like about yourself: dunno
-Piercings: none
-Tattoos: two
-Righty or lefty: righty

-Injury: nothing major, cuts and bruises
-Best friend: elisha ellis
-Sport you joined: swimming
-Vacation: disney land when i was in kindergarten or first grade

-Eating: sunflower seeds
-Drinking: diet pepsi
-About to: eventually go to bed
-Listening to: the tv

-Want kids: yes i want 2 or 3 more..i want jaxson to have siblings
-Get married: already am
-Career: the navy more than likely

-Hugs or kisses: both
-Lips or eyes: eyes
-Shorter or taller: taller
-Older or younger: yonger
-Romantic or Spontaneous: little bit of both
-Nice stomach or arms: both are favorites.
-Sensitive or loud: good mixture
-Hook up or relationship: relationship
-Trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker.

-Lost glasses/contacts: glasses..yes
-Broken someone's heart: yes
-Had your heart broken: yes
-Turned someone down: yes
-Cried when someone died: yes
-Fallen for a friend: sure

-Yourself: most of the time
-Miracles: yes
-Love at 1st sight: no
-Heaven: yes
-Angels: yes

-Had more than 1 BF at a time:nope
-Did you sing today: yes
-Afraid of falling in love: nope

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