Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6 month update

here is jaxson's 6 month update:

weight: 14lbs 2 oz
height: 26 inches (long and skinny)
eating habbits: 6 or 5 oz bottle every 3 or 4 hrs, eats cereal (barley) in the morning, and is now eating vegetables..doesn't like green beans, but likes peas, usually twice a day, in the afternoon and evening.
developments: now rolls on his tummy, babbles up a storm, grabs at his toys, likes putting his hands on your face and touching, likes to grab daddy's glasses off his face and throw them, likes to pull mommy's hair. loves to stand up, sits by himself for a minute or two. loves to be read to, and sung to. loves being rocked to sleep. likes peek a boo.

he doesn't go back to the doctor until he is 9 months, i can't believe these last 6 months have gone by so fast. he is not a baby anymore, he is turning into a little boy, and it makes me sad, but excited to see all the changes and developments he is doing. his personality is starting to come out and he is going to be one sweet little boy, but with a temper. i can't wait for him to start crawling and walking, and turning one, i am excited but scared at the sametime, and it makes me sad, cause the closer it gets to him being one, that means the closer i get to having to leave for san diego and eventually leaving for deployment and leaving behind my boys for 8 months...but i am not going to focus on that, i am going to take it one day at a time and enjoy all the time i have with him right now..i love him so much, i never realize how much one little person can have your heart in the palm of his hand. i love waking up to his smiling face every morning, he makes my day so much better when i get home from a hard day at work and i walk thru the door and he sees me and just smiles, it melts my heart. i can't believe how much i love this little guy, it's so unbelieveable being a mom, yes it is a hard at times and fruastrating, but i wouoldn't traded for anything in the world, and i can't wait to be able to have another, when the time comes and when heavenly father sees fit to bless dustin and i with another one.

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