Thursday, September 23, 2010


i feel like i am grasping at different strands in my life right now and i can't get a good hold on any. i am stressing majorly right now, dustin leaves for san diego november 21, so jaxson and i will be here in hueneme, by ourselves until we move down there in april when i transfer, so i have to worry about all the bills by myself, getting ready for our physical fitness assesment in 10 wks and making sure i am within weight standards come prt time. plus i have to start studying for e-5 exam, i take it in march and i want to make e-5 my first time up. so i feel like i have alot on my plate, plus i still have jaxson to take care of, and a house to keep up on, and dustin, and i feel like sometimes i don't get the support i need from him. i feel like i am always the one dealing with the baby and keeping the house clean, and when i ask him to help me with the house, he either puts it off until i do it myself, or gripes about it. i feel like i am his mom most of the time, its become very frustrating, and i don't know what to do. i feel like things are starting to fall apart and i don't know what to do to fix them or to keep them from falling apart, and it hurts.


  1. Hey Jody, Yes, ally is in our YW's and she did a great job wednesday. She is a pleasure to have in our ward!

  2. Hey Jody- your little boy is absolutely adorable!!I love his little smile. Yes, we are on WIC but not for formula. I can usually nurse him okay except for when he went on a nursing strike which was really horrible... but since then we have tried to have formula on hand for emergencies or what not. I hope everything is going well with you! Hang in there... I just had a break down to my friend cause I was feeling stressed and the best thing she said was "it's probably really hard right now but you will be blessed for it in the end." I can't imagine being in the Navy on top of have Elijah so I am so impressed with you that you are able to do it all! I hope everything works out!
