Friday, November 12, 2010

8 months

technically he will be 8 months on monday, but it's close here are his stats

weight: i am guess around 18 to 20lbs don't have a scale and he doesn't go back to the doctor until next month, and same with height.

eating: he still has 6 oz bottles and is eating food 3x a day, oatmeal in the morning and a fruit for lunch and veggie for dinner, he is know eating stage 2 food, likes the mixed veggies and garden veggies, still loves sweet potatoes and carrots..he enjoy's his fruit, he tried a piece of orange the other day and made the funniest faces and enjoyed eating it and got upset when i took it away.

sleeping: takes 2 to 3 naps during the day, has one long one 2 to 3 hrs, and two short ones, 20 mins to an hour. sleeps better at night, sleeps about 6 to 7 hours, usually wakes up around 3 am to have a bottle and falls back to sleep for another 3 or 4 hours.

developments: he is now sitting up on his own, he hasn't started crawling yet, he wants to and gets upset cause he hasn't figured it out yet, so now when he wants to explore or go somewhere he just rolls, which is pretty cute to watch, he has started to make letter sounds like aaaa, baaa, mmmm, he doesn't do ddddd yet. he loves the tv, this afternoon he was sitting on my lap and i had dora the explorer on, and when a part came on that he liked he smiled and got so excited, and whenever something came on that he liked he would smile so big. he likes music and will "dance" he still loves to scream, he loves to be tickled and giggles, and he loves getting raspberries blown on his tummy. he still loves his snuggle time with mommy and daddy. he is working on his bottom two teeth, so he has been a little extra cranky. we finally got him a big boy car seat because he out grew his infant car seat.

i can't believe he is 8 months already, i know i say that every time i post something about him. but time is just flying by was to fast, i wish i could just stop it sometimes.

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