Saturday, November 6, 2010

the many reasons i love this boy

oh there are so many reasons i love this boy but here are some:

i love when i wake up in the morning he is always so happy, and sometimes lets me go back to sleep and when he is ready to get up starts to kick me

i love that when i come home from work and walk thru the door he is always so excited to see me, and has plenty of "kisses" to give me

i love how when he gets tired rubs his eyes and starts to snuggle up with his blankets

i love how he is still so snuggly and loves being held and rocked with me

i love that when i hold him reaches up and puts his hands on my face

i love to hear him giggle its the best sound in the world.

i love to hear him babble away and see him try to "fly" swinging his arms and legs around.

i love knowing that he choose me as his mom, and what a sweet spirit he is, and that he bring so much joy and happiness to my life.

i could go on and on and on, my heart is so full.

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