Saturday, January 1, 2011

new year's goals..not resolutions

so i am not make resolutions this year..more like goals is how i see it, so here are my goals that i am setting, and will keep track thru out the year.

1. lose my pregency weight (25 lbs) to fit back into my dress whites from boot camp, by the time i check into my new command (april 18th).
2. pay off all of my debt that i have aculmated among the years, that way i can happily say i am not in debt.
3. attend church and read the that i have a set of my own.

i have a fourth one but that's more personal, and when and if that one happens i will leave it up to heavenly father.

so there are my goals this year, i am going to work very hard and accomplish all 3 of them. hope everyone had a good new is to 2011 and what it has instore.

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