Monday, February 28, 2011

and the count down begins..

so my count down has begin..i have 4 wks left in hueneme..and than it's on to san diego for the next 16 months, and than after that i will be ending my time with the navy and returning back to civilian life as a stay at home mom, and full time student. i will be going back to school and using my gi bill, only problem is i am not quite sure what i want to go back to school for...but i got 16 months to figure it out. oh the bottom picture is the type of ship i will be going on, we call it an lsd, it's a flat bottom ship, and we carry the marines equipment around and of course marines. i am excited and nervous about this new adventure i will be going on...keep my fingers cross that i will have the strength to get thru deployments.

1 comment:

  1. you can do it, sis. just remember it'll all be worth it in the end. love you.
