Monday, February 21, 2011

thru thick and thin

to my wonderful husband:

recently we have gone through some rough times, and you needed me the most and did what i could to help you, because i am your wife and as your wife that is my job to help you thru your good times and your bad times. when i married you i made that commitment to do that, and you love you conditionaly and unconditionaly. you have been there for me thru my good times and no so good times. you have helped me when i have stumbled. you have showen me what it means to be loved, you have been and are a good husband and father, both jaxson and i love you so very much. and are so greatful to have you in my life and to spend the rest of my life with you and to add to our family someday (hopefully sooner than later ;) ) always remember that i love you thru thick and thin.

i love you so very much and am so very proud of you!! :)

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