Tuesday, April 26, 2011

13 month update

i just realized i hadn't done a 13 month update for jaxson..so here ya go

sleeping 6 to 8 hrs at night and two naps, sometimes one in the morning

eating: he eats about anything i put on his tray or on a spoon, he loves flavored oatmeal, spaghettios, ravillois, beefaroni, mac and cheese, peaches, pears, cantalope, graham crackers, goldfish ect.

developments: walking short distances, he just started to do that on sunday, before that he would take a couple of steps and fall down on his bottom and start crawling, he is still pulling himself up on things and walking around. he loves anything with bottons(especially the tv) loves playing with his toys, going outside, can't wait for it to get warm to take him swimming in the pool at the apartment complex. he says momma, dada, and his favorite uh oh, he claps and when he does he sometimes says ya( for yay), he will wave bye bye every once in awhile. that's if for now.

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