Saturday, April 16, 2011

30 days

so this week my detalier (the person is provides orders for navy) called me and told me that the ship i was suppose to go to is being reassigned to japan, so i would have to choose a different ship, well i had decided on a ship that was going to go on deployment in december, but i was talking to my detalier and told him that i was not planning on reenlisting next year, and he told me that because i decided to not reenlist i would check into tpu on the the 18th, and would be processes out of the bascially i will be getting out next month..(yes mom i know you reading this you will be worried) but i have school lined up for when i get out, i will be going to kaplan college to become a dental assistant, if need be i can babysit during the day while i am home with jaxson and go to school at night so dustin can watch jaxson while i am in school. i will recieve bah for going to school full time so that will be some extra money coming in, it will be tight for awhile, but we will be able to live off of dustin's income, there are plenty of military families that live off of one income it can be done, we will be able to do it. but i am greatful that i will be able to stay home with jaxson, that will save so much on daycare(very expensive) so all and all i think this will be a good thing and what i always wanted to be able to do, stay at home with my kid eventually kids, just like my mom did. so i am happy and excited for this new opportunity. :)

1 comment:

  1. I had to play catch-up a bit but yay! I am glad to hear that you're family is all together now, I can't even imagine what that was like! Happy to hear that you are doing dental assisting-it rocks and I hope you love it...I did! Are you so excited to be done early with the Navy?!!! I know how much you want to be with Jax so that is great! Oh, and he looks so much like his Momma-it is ridiculous! :) Such a handsome boy! Good luck with everything!
