Sunday, May 29, 2011

14 months

so i am a little behind on updates with jaxson, since he will be 15 months soon..but here is his 14 month update

sleeping: he will sleep thru the night every once in awhile, he is now waking up in the middle of the night due to teething, he is working on his back molars right now. naps he usually takes a morning nap at the sitters and sometimes when i get home from work i will put him down for about 30 mins only if he needs it.

eating; he eats about anything but can be picky, he likes most veggies, he loves fruit, peaches, pears, bananas, watermelon and cantlope are some of his favorite, he likes gold fish, cheerioes, ect he is a pretty good eater.

developments: he is walking like crazy now, sometimes i wish he hadn't started cause he is into everything. he likes pushing the tv buttons which isn't always fun, he is blabbling like crazy says momma dada, uh oh sometimes when he sees a dog he will say ah ah, i heard him say no a couple of times, he shakes his head no, will wave bye bye sometimes, loves giving kisses and snuggling when he wants a hug. he likes "helping" mom load the dishwasher, loves playing with his toys and books, being outside. i am waiting for it to warm up to take him swimming. he is trying to figure out how to reach up and pull down on door handles..and tries to reach up and mess with the knobs for the stove and dishwasher. he loves water, taking baths and splashes around like he is a little fishy.

overall i have one sweet feisty little boy.

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