Thursday, January 19, 2012

we've got a big girl on our hands

so today i went in to get an ultrasound to see maddie was developing, and she is doing good, fluid is good ect, and she did good on the monitor on wed (i go once a week due to the diabetes).  so the ultrasound tech came back and said that maddie weighed 5lbs 12 oz, dustin and i looked at eachother and went oh crap we are going to have one big girl when she gets here.  my guess she will be 8 or 9 lbs by the time she gets here.  and i still have 4 to 6 weeks left.  i just realized that she out weighs jaxson when he was born (5 lbs 5 oz),  good thing i didn't get alot of newborn clothes, because more than likely she won't fit into them for very long.  i can't wait to meet her though.

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