Monday, June 24, 2013

This is how I feel or have always felt most of my life, like I never really fit in or fit the mold. I am not sure if it's from choices or decisions I have made thru out my life, but I feel like that no matter what I do or how hard I try to change people will only see me as the person I use to be. That I will always be the outcast or the screw up, I know you have only so many chances before people give up and I have plenty. I just wish there was a way for people to see the real me, but sadly i don't even know who that is any more. I am not even sure how to go about figuring that out, I have try to become what people and society expected me to do, a wife and mother, that I sort of lost my way int eh process of doing so.  I don't regret having kids of my own and wouldn't change it for the world, but there are days were I do want to give up because I feel like I am going to fail at, just like I have failed and given up on so many different things thru out my life. I am tired of feeling like this...I would rather feel like this:

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