Sunday, February 14, 2010

can't sleep

so for the past couple days i haven't been able to fall asleep until almost 430 in the morning, which is really annoying, cause like most of you know i LOVE to sleep lol. so this morning since i couldn't sleep i decided to organize all of jaxson's clothes according to size, and put all the onesies and sleepers in piles from newborn, 0 to 3, 3 to 6, and 6 to 9 in piles and stuck them in the bassinent, cause i don't his dresser yet so in the bassinent it stays. and i also organized the clothes in his closet by size to. i guess you could say i am starting to nest. for his room i just have to put his initals up which dustin is going to do today, and i need to get a lamp and a laundry basket and some baskets to put the toys i have started collecting for him, i guess you could say i am a little ocd about making sure i have enough things for him. i still need to get a breast pump for when i go back to work. we found a babysitter for him, so jaxson won't be going to daycare which i am happy about. the lady who will be watching him is the spouse of one of dustin's coworkers. she is nice we have met a couple of times and she has a 2 yr old son, and they just had their second. the only thing is the babysitter is at the other base, which is about a 10 to 15 min driving depending on traffic. which is fine i am going to try and see if i can transfer over to the galley at the other base that way its easier for me to drop and pick jaxson up and if there is a problem i am right there instead of 15 mins away. i feel more comfortable with having jax at a babysitter instead of daycare. i never really liked the idea of putting my kids in daycare. i would rather be the one to watch him, but being in the navy doesn't allow me to do that sadly. but once i get out i hope to be able to and so does dustin. but only time will tell. i think the only things i have left on my list to get for jax is the mattress for the crib, changing pad, sheet for the changing pad, more sheets for the crib, possibly a new mobile, diapers, laundry detergent...mmm that's all i can think of, i just want to be as prepared as possible. i can't believe he will be in here in 8 wks. it's so exciting and scary to think i will have a baby in 8 wks, i have waited so long to be able to have a baby, that's all i have ever wanted. i remember when i was little telling my mom i want to be a mom and that is all. funny story one summer when my cousin tarryn was still living in arizona i went to insitute with her and i was having a conversation with a guy there and he asked me what i would like to do job wise, and i said a mom, and he got a suprised looked on his face. but i was just being honest cause that is the truth. i was talking to dustin last night before he fell alseep and i asked him you know what the best gift you have given me? and he said giving you a baby and i said of course, there is nothing that can top that. man this have become quiet a long post..ooops, but this is what i get for not being able to sleep. so i will close for now, there will be a jaxson update around the 22nd cause that's when i go to the doctor, and keeping my fingers cross the medicne is working and i don't make a third trip to the hospital. thanks for all the prayers and support we appreciate it!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey there. I just saw that you had a blog and thought I woul dcheck it out. You are going to bea GREAT mom! Take it a day at a time and don't let one bad day ruin the next-you will haev them, it's a given! :) I hope you and Jax do alright, I know you are in the hospital right-hang in there! you are in thoughts and prayers!
