Sunday, March 21, 2010


okay so it's been like 5 wks since i posted anything..due to being hospital from the high blood pressure problems i had been having. went into the hospital on valentine's day...nice right? they admitted me, were going to release me a couple of times but blood pressure decided not to cooporate and i ended up showing signs of pre eclampsia. so the doctor decided to leave me in and wait and see when jaxson would arrive, she was trying to hold off as long as possible, to give him more time to grow. but on march 15, my body decided other wise, i started having blurry vision and getting really nauseous. so the doctor decided ready or not the baby was coming. so they wheeled me off to the or for a c section and on march 15, 2010 at 7:16 pm jaxson thomas lauricha entered the world, cord on the neck and all. he weighed 5 lbs 5 oz and was 17 1/4 inc long. he was perfect, and of course i cried when i heard him cry, all drugged up and stuff. i saw him briefly before they wisked him to the nicu, due to being 4 wks early. he is still in the nicu, he has jaudince so he is under a uv light, and part of his small intestines was still asleep so whenever he would eat, he would puke it back up. but that is now improving and he is up to 50 cc's, getting food from the bottle and feeding tube. so hopefully he will be able to come home soon.
things i have learn from having a c section.
1. morphine is not my friend (it made me sick)
2. magnesium sulfate..not my friend either.
3. having help is a blessing!! :)
4. i am alot stronger than i thought, the only pain meds i had was really strong mortion thru the iv, and whenever they would bring me extra strength tyenole.

more updates on a more regular bases to come now that i am home. :)


  1. dude morphine makes me puke up pretty much all my internal organs. must be a family thing.

  2. yeah they gave me a spinal and it numb me from my waist down, and i started to feel things so they gave me 5 ccs of it and not even two minutes after i threw up in the or, and when they took me to recovery i was throwing up nothing but acid for 2 hrs. no fun, and mom was not happy that it took the nurse two hours to finally give me something to stop being sick.

  3. yeah, i felt bad for throwing up in the or, after i got the morphine, i tried looking around to tell the astetistion (sp) that i was going to be sick but i couldn't figure out where he was so i just turned my head and puked it's not like i could move.
