Tuesday, March 23, 2010

just want to feel normal again

i am tired of the mood swings and the random crying sessions. i just want to feel normal again, i know i had a tough pregency and was stuck in the hospital for almost 5 wks and just had a baby and major surgery. and it's going to take awhile for my body to go back to normal, but i feel bad for dustin and him having to deal with me going thru the "baby blues" and the stress of having jaxson in the hospital. i know it will pass and that it will take some time, i just want and need him home. the only time i feel happy is when i get to spend an hour with jaxson at the hospital, and as soon as we leave the happiness goes away. but enough about that, so he doctor said jaxson will be in the nicu for another week. he needs to be able to take all his feedings from the bottle and not the feeding tube. the nurse said he does good in the morning and takes all from the bottle, but he gets tired thru out the day. today when we went he took 30 ccs from the bottle but had to have the rest thru the feeding tube cause he fell asleep and wouldn't wake up to finish the rest of the bottle. now we just have to wait for the little light bulb to turn on and for him to start sucking. i know he will get it in time just have to be patient.

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