Saturday, March 27, 2010

more jaxson

so jaxson decided to be a little stinker today when i went in for his 1130 feeding, while changing his diaper, i walked to the sink to wet a towel and when i came back he had attempted to take out his feeding tube. than when i went back at 230, i changed his diaper and walked away to wash my hands and he got pissed cause i was taking to long. he is starting to become more vocal, cause normally he doesn't fuss or cry alot and now he is starting to. i think he is trying to say he wants to come home. i am wondering if they took out his feeding tube if he would be more prone to eat more than he does. cause he acts hungry when i come in, it's funny he looks like a little birdy. he moves his head around with his mouth open it's pretty cute. so i am keeping my fingers crossed for him possibly coming home this week. i can't believe on monday he will be two weeks old. oh i love that little boy so very much and can't wait to have him home. cause wih him being in the hospital i don't really feel like a mom, cause i can't really do's just really fraustrating..i don't know how my two sister in laws did it when they had babies in the nicu. soon though, i just keep hoping and praying and that's all i can do, but leave it up to jaxson and heavenly father.

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