Saturday, April 24, 2010

jaxson update

so jaxson had his 1 month appointment with the doctor this past week, he now weighs 6 lbs 9 oz and is 20.5 inches long. he is so very long. but i will start updating every month and inbetween than. so far for his first month of life:

sleeping: during the day he sleeps, and at night he sleeps 3 to 5 hrs, depending if i give him a fat bottle before he conks out.

eating: he is almost up to 3 oz, he eats between 60 ccs and 85 ccs.

interests: he is getting better at holding up his head, when i lay him on my chest he will left his head up, he is becoming more active and alert, no smiles yet, only when he is sleeping.

he is on formula..wish i could breast feed but was not able to. we head out to az on wednesday and we are both excited to see all the family, jaxson will be getting blessed, so i am looking forwrad to that. i guess that's all for now.

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