Thursday, April 1, 2010

finally home

so after two weeks jaxson is finally home, he came home yestarday afternoon. it took forever to get him discharged, first i had to wait for the occupational thearpist to come and feed him to see how he does. after that i had to wait for the doctor to come take a look at him and finally around 3:00 pm he was discharged and allow to go home. so far its been interesting. last night was a very long night, up till about 3:3o am i was able to sleep for 45 mins at a time and jax would wake up. than i from 3:30 to 6:00 i was able to sleep and than from 6:30 to 8:45 i was able to sleep. and i have had one nap today with him. he doesn't seem to content with his bassinent, and would rather sleep next to me in the bed. i know some people say you shouldn't do that, but for me its so much easier especially with feedings. right now he is in his glider sleeping, his feedings are going okay, he is eating around 30 to 35 ccs, he ate more in the hopsital, but i think he is still getting adjusted to being at home and not at the hospital. as long as he is gaing weight, its fine with me. he is now 19 inches long. he is long and skinny, but hopefully not for long. he seems fine with his carseat and the car. mmmmm...i think thats it for now.

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