Wednesday, April 7, 2010

visit from mom and dad

so mom and dad arrived yestarday to visit for awhile, and for mom to help me out with jax. it's been much appreciated, as i adjust to very little sleep. it's not too bad jaxson wakes up about every three hours, and he is usually up for an hour during the middle of the night. he is doing better about sleeping in his bassinet, as long as i wrap him all snug and tight he doesn't complain too much. he actually is quite a good baby, he doesn't fuss too much, only when he is hungry and tired. other than that he is a pretty content little guy. i got very lucky. jax had his first doctor's appointment yestarday with the on base pediatrican. he is now 5 lbs 13 oz and 19.5 inches long. so he is going to be long and skinny. i think the nurses measured him wrong when he was born cause he was 17 1/4 inches long and three weeks later he is 19.5 inches long, so how did he grow 2.5 inches in two weeks?? oh well, he has to go back in two weeks cause the doctor says he is growing satisfactory, he eats between 50 and 60 ccs, sometimes more depends on how much he ate at his last feeding. although when he wakes up in the middle of the night he tends to eat more, probaly to keep him asleep for longer. i just can't wait for when he sleeps 5 to 6 hrs a night, but that won't be for awhile. i am not looking forward to going back to work and leaving him..its going to be hard, but sadly its what i have to do.

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