Sunday, May 23, 2010

trip to the hospital

so dustin and i ended up taking jaxson to the hospital last night..because he had been throwing up since friday night...and not spit up i mean throwing up..feed him and he would throw up everything he would eat. we gave him some pedialyte but he threw that up. so off to the hospital we went...for a six hour stay to have the doctor tell us he has a stomach bug..lovely. today he has done a little bit better still throwing up..but not as bad only cause he hasn't been eating very much..he wants to eat but it hasn't been very much..only cause he hasn't been feeling very good. i will be taking him to see his doctor tomorrow on base for the throwing up..diahrrea(sp) and he has a rash all over..poor guy..picture is of him in a hospital gown they have us to put him was the smallest size they had and he was still drowning in it..he is so little but he put on a brave face, when we were waiting in the er he was cooing and smiling even though he wasn't feeling very good.


  1. the hospital gown looks like a snuggie!

  2. yeah i know..that was the smallest size they had
