Tuesday, March 29, 2011

another trip to the hospital

so jaxson and i took another trip to the hospital last night..sigh..earlier in the day his day care had text me that he had a rash all over him, which he didn't have on sunday or when he woke up monday morning, so i tried take him to base medical but they didn't have any doctors available, so when i got off work i took him to urgent care, and the doctor was worried about him, and told me to take him to the hospital because when he would listen to him breath he heard crackling, he thought it sounded like pnemounia..so off to the hospital we went, he got a chest xray, blood drawn and had urine taken, turns out his allergic to amoxcillan he has been on for the past 8 days from his last hospital visit, and he still has a little bit of pnemonia..so they put him on a new set of antibotics..hopefully this helps and we won't have to go back to the hospital for a long time..this boy just cant get a break..poor guy..but on a lighter note we are moving to san diego this weekend, and leaving to go to arizona on monday..so very excited to see everyone!! :)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hospital visit

so jaxson and i went to san diego this weekend to see dustin and to celebrate his birthday with dustin and his mom, on saturday he started to cough while we were at dustin's mom's house. than sunday he was still coughing and in sounded like it was getting worse and he woke up with a fever so i gave him some ipbourphen and 20 min later he comes crawling into the kitchen with red spots all over his face..sigh, but he didn't have much of an appetatie so didn't eat very much, i put him down for a nap before he and i were to head back to hueneme, when he woke up with his nap he was very cranky and feverish again so i gave hi more ipbourphen and i noticed he was retracking really bad, so dustin and i took him to balboa (its a navy hospital), they got him rather quickly, took his temp which was 101.9 and did a chest x-ray. they tried a breathing treatment which didn't really help than they tried oxygen because his o2 stats were really low, in the low 90's, for a child it should be 97 and above. they decided to keep him over night and took him up to the pediatric ward. he was not a very happy camper, they gave him tyenolo and amoxciallan to fight off so far an ear infection. well his o2 stats started to fall in the 80's so they put him on oxygen. he was up every 20 to 30 minutes thru out the night. the next morning the doctor came in and said he would be staying until he could breath on his own and was getting enough fulids, they had to put him on an iv cause he was dehydrated. he and i slept all day monday, monday night his 02 stats got better so they took him off the oxygen and he was starting to act like his normal self, was able to handle soda crackers and graham crackers and apple juice. by the time this morning rolled around he was back to his normal self smiling and talking, so they decided that because he was breathing on his own and didn't need the iv anymore he was good to go, so they discharged him this afternoon, he still is on antibotics for the next 8 days, turns out he has bronchitis, ear infection and pnemonia..good grief.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

park time

12 month update

here is jaxson's 12 month update..

weight: 19lbs 13 oz
height: 29 inches
head: 18 inches

eating habits: we are now down to 2 bottles a day, one before bed time and one in the morning when he wakes up (around 4 or 5). he now drinks from a sippy cup either juice (he likes white grape or milk) he is now eating table food, loves scrambled eggs, mac and cheese, crackers, oatmeal, baby carrots, broccoli, sugar snap peas, yogurt, pancakes, waffles, bread, peanut butter, baked potatoes, french fries...ummm lots of other stuff.

developments: pulling himself up on anything and everything, he likes to walk along the coffee table, couch, and tv, loves being outside, not walking yet, he will stand alone and walk with you if you hold his hands. he figured how to use his walker(he likes to go backwards though). he says ma and da, and sometimes it sounds like he says ya, and hi, he shakes his head "no". loves to be read to and tickled, he likes to sing, loves pulling on momma's hair and trying and take daddy's glasses.

i can't believe a whole year has come and gone..i can't wait to see how much he grows and devlopes into his own little person over the coming years, and what kind of man he will one day be. i love him so very much and am so greatful to have him in my life!! :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

yes another one.

from that tiny little guy to such a big boy in the whole year..it's gone by way to fast

jaxson eating his cake

Jaxson's first birthday

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to two of my favorite people!!

Happy Birthday too two important people in my life..my sister Amy and my adorable son Jaxson. Amy got the privillage last year of having Jaxson born on her birthday and I think that it's pretty cool that they get to share that. But now to the reason they are important...lets start with:

Amy: I couldn't have asked for a better little sister, sometimes it feels like she should be the older one, and I the younger one. There are so many wonderful things about her: she is so talented, an excellent piano player(she kept going when we were younger, and I stopped) a really good artist, so very smart (she was top of her gradutating class in high school). she some how has the courage and talent to deal with high school students (i couldn't do it). she has been such a good sister, when at times i know i haven't, she has always been understanding and has been there when i needed her, playing barbies and house with her when we were kids. i always liked sharing a room with her when we were younger and having someone to stay up with and talk and laugh(we always didn't get along, sorry about throwing things at you when you snored..lol)..amy remember "don't forget the cheese?" classic..i have some many fond memories and will for the rest of my life..amy i love you so much and am so greatful to have you in my life, and am greatful that jaxson has such a strong and faithful aunt like you, i couldn't have asked for a better one.

and last but not least:

Jaxson...oh were to i begin with this one..you light up my day every morning i walk into your room and see you either still sleeping or awake and babbling and waiting for me to come get you and you great me with the biggest smile. you have brought so much joy and love to my life, i honestly don't know what i do without you, i know i wouldn't be who i am right now if you hadn't choosen me to be your mom, and i know you came into mine and your daddy's life for a reason, to show us how strong we really are and that we can handle anything. i know you didn't have an easy start when you got here and an early arrival..but i have been trying my hardest to be the best mom i can be, and i hope one day you realize how much i love you and am so greatful for you.

so to my two favorites happy birthday and i love you both so very much!! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

looks like it's happening sooner than i expected

so i found out today that i will actually be leaving for deployment when i check into san diego, i am not sure exactly when i will be flown out, i will find out once i get there. they will either fly me out japan or the phillipines to meet up with the ship..hopefully i will be back in early summer..so much to do in only 6 wks...extremly stressed right now, because dustin also maybe leaving for deployment soon to, so we have to figure out where jaxson will be staying while we are gone..sigh