Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to two of my favorite people!!

Happy Birthday too two important people in my sister Amy and my adorable son Jaxson. Amy got the privillage last year of having Jaxson born on her birthday and I think that it's pretty cool that they get to share that. But now to the reason they are important...lets start with:

Amy: I couldn't have asked for a better little sister, sometimes it feels like she should be the older one, and I the younger one. There are so many wonderful things about her: she is so talented, an excellent piano player(she kept going when we were younger, and I stopped) a really good artist, so very smart (she was top of her gradutating class in high school). she some how has the courage and talent to deal with high school students (i couldn't do it). she has been such a good sister, when at times i know i haven't, she has always been understanding and has been there when i needed her, playing barbies and house with her when we were kids. i always liked sharing a room with her when we were younger and having someone to stay up with and talk and laugh(we always didn't get along, sorry about throwing things at you when you remember "don't forget the cheese?" classic..i have some many fond memories and will for the rest of my life..amy i love you so much and am so greatful to have you in my life, and am greatful that jaxson has such a strong and faithful aunt like you, i couldn't have asked for a better one.

and last but not least:

Jaxson...oh were to i begin with this light up my day every morning i walk into your room and see you either still sleeping or awake and babbling and waiting for me to come get you and you great me with the biggest smile. you have brought so much joy and love to my life, i honestly don't know what i do without you, i know i wouldn't be who i am right now if you hadn't choosen me to be your mom, and i know you came into mine and your daddy's life for a reason, to show us how strong we really are and that we can handle anything. i know you didn't have an easy start when you got here and an early arrival..but i have been trying my hardest to be the best mom i can be, and i hope one day you realize how much i love you and am so greatful for you.

so to my two favorites happy birthday and i love you both so very much!! :)

1 comment:

  1. thanks jody...that was really nice. i love you! and how could i ever forget the "don't forget the cheese!"?!! i also remember a certain incident involving a trash can in our bathroom...don't think i'll ever let you live that one down. thanks for the b-day shout-out--i love sharing it with my adorable nephew!
