Tuesday, March 29, 2011

another trip to the hospital

so jaxson and i took another trip to the hospital last night..sigh..earlier in the day his day care had text me that he had a rash all over him, which he didn't have on sunday or when he woke up monday morning, so i tried take him to base medical but they didn't have any doctors available, so when i got off work i took him to urgent care, and the doctor was worried about him, and told me to take him to the hospital because when he would listen to him breath he heard crackling, he thought it sounded like pnemounia..so off to the hospital we went, he got a chest xray, blood drawn and had urine taken, turns out his allergic to amoxcillan he has been on for the past 8 days from his last hospital visit, and he still has a little bit of pnemonia..so they put him on a new set of antibotics..hopefully this helps and we won't have to go back to the hospital for a long time..this boy just cant get a break..poor guy..but on a lighter note we are moving to san diego this weekend, and leaving to go to arizona on monday..so very excited to see everyone!! :)

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