Tuesday, March 22, 2011

hospital visit

so jaxson and i went to san diego this weekend to see dustin and to celebrate his birthday with dustin and his mom, on saturday he started to cough while we were at dustin's mom's house. than sunday he was still coughing and in sounded like it was getting worse and he woke up with a fever so i gave him some ipbourphen and 20 min later he comes crawling into the kitchen with red spots all over his face..sigh, but he didn't have much of an appetatie so didn't eat very much, i put him down for a nap before he and i were to head back to hueneme, when he woke up with his nap he was very cranky and feverish again so i gave hi more ipbourphen and i noticed he was retracking really bad, so dustin and i took him to balboa (its a navy hospital), they got him rather quickly, took his temp which was 101.9 and did a chest x-ray. they tried a breathing treatment which didn't really help than they tried oxygen because his o2 stats were really low, in the low 90's, for a child it should be 97 and above. they decided to keep him over night and took him up to the pediatric ward. he was not a very happy camper, they gave him tyenolo and amoxciallan to fight off so far an ear infection. well his o2 stats started to fall in the 80's so they put him on oxygen. he was up every 20 to 30 minutes thru out the night. the next morning the doctor came in and said he would be staying until he could breath on his own and was getting enough fulids, they had to put him on an iv cause he was dehydrated. he and i slept all day monday, monday night his 02 stats got better so they took him off the oxygen and he was starting to act like his normal self, was able to handle soda crackers and graham crackers and apple juice. by the time this morning rolled around he was back to his normal self smiling and talking, so they decided that because he was breathing on his own and didn't need the iv anymore he was good to go, so they discharged him this afternoon, he still is on antibotics for the next 8 days, turns out he has bronchitis, ear infection and pnemonia..good grief.

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