Monday, July 25, 2011

couldn't have asked for anything more..

my heart is over following right now..maybe the hormones who knows..but today i was watching jaxson play and such emotion came over me for this little boy. he is the sweetest, loveable, happy, and giggly little boy. and i fall in love with him more more every day, i am beyond greatful that he choose me as his mom and that i get the wonderful oportunity to teach him to be the best person he can be, and to get another opportunity to bring another child in to this world is so amazing. i love being a mom, it is by far the best thing i have done with my life, i couldn't ask for anything more. to look at jaxson every day and to see that sweet smile and hear his giggle, and get kisses and have him come up and snuggle with me, is the best gift anyone could ever give me. now i understand why my mom had 7 kids. there is so much joy that comes from it. i just love it so very much, and i hope pray that jaxson knows every day how much i love him, and that the next little guy/girl will know the same thing.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, you are so right...there's nothing
    like it! Enjoy all the moments and use
    the teaching moments wisely!
