Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jaxson 15/16 month update

okay so i have been bad on the updates for i am squeezing two into here you go.

weight 24lbs 2 oz
height 29 inches

developements: now waves bye bye, figured out how to climb up onto the couch, knows how to open doors,(now have to keep the front door locked). pushes things, will throw balls and try and play catch with you, loves to be chase, is learning how to run now.

words: uh oh, go, bah (bye bye), no(his favorite), yah, momma, dada,(not to often on those), balbs like crazy and trying to talk.

food: he likes anything you put on his plate, mac and cheese, pears, peaches, mixed fruit, watermelon(his favorite), meat, and kind of pasta, mash potatoes, green beans, carrots, corn, peas(okay), milk(he could drink all day if you let him) he is doing good from a sippy cup now just have to work on a regular cup, still getting the whole eat with a spoon.

naps: usually late morning nap around 1030 or 11 and sleeps 45mins to 2 hrs, if it's long than he won't go down for a late afternoon nap, sometimes he will, goes to bed early and will wake up once in the middle of the night sometimes, just soothe him back to sleep, than wakes up around 5 and give him some milk and he will sleep until 8.

he is such a sweet boy, he knows how to give kisses and blow kisses, he loves patty cake, itsy bitsy spider, loves to dance and hear mom sing and read his books, sometimes i catch him in his room when its really quiet and i will go and look and he is sitting on his floor reading..hopefully he will be a book worm like his mom. that's about it for updates, i have pictures i took from when we went to the zoo will have to post them, other news, i am now out of the navy and getting ready to head back to school on aug 11th, baby l is doing good, due date is march 4, 2012, so that makes me 8 wks, have my first offical ob apt on aug 1, so far so good..other than that we are doing good as a family, dustin will be heading to virginia for 27 days on sunday for some training, so we will miss him, but can't wait for him to get back home.

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