Friday, July 8, 2011

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad

So technically tomorrow is my parents anniversary, but i decided to write this a day early. But these two kids have been married for 40 yrs...can you believe..well if you know anything about these two than the answer is yes. i could have not asked for a better mom and dad than these two. they are amazing and i love them so very much. they have always supported me in every decision that i have made in my life, whether they agreed or not, but they have always stood by me and encouraged me to do my best and to work hard and no matter what if you set a goal and work at it, you will get there. i can remember many family vacations during the summer, whether it was going camping to get away from the arizona heat, going to san diego and to the beach and to my very first padres game (and professional baseball game), to going to south dakota, and mall of america, and nebraska, and to galvatson many memories. every school function that i have had, or award ceremony one of them was always there cheering me or my brothers and sisters on. from high school graduation, seminary graduation, young women excellence award, baptisms, blessings, college graduation. my parents..are just its hard to come up with words to describe how much i love them and how truly wonderful they are. they have such strong testimonies of the gospel and are so strong. i remember numerous times when we lived in missouri, my mom would get up at 430 in the morning every friday and drive two hours to meet with my aunt annie and go to the temple, without fail..there were a couple times that i remember she was unable either due to the weather or she was sick..and to this day she and my dad drive to mesa and go to the temple. they are both dedicated in their callings at church. i have never once heard them fight, or whine or gripe or complain about anything. they have always put their family and the gospel first and have such a strong marriage..and i hope that my marriage will be as strong as theirs. i love you both so very much and are greatful to have you as my parents and that jaxson..and baby l will get to know such awsome and strong grandparents. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! Love you!!


  1. Thanks, Jody...beautiful tribute. 40 years...holy smokes...are we THAT old??!! Time does fly by so live each day to the fullest and love each other as if it is the last day you have! Sure love you...Mom

  2. Thanks for the nice tribute, Jody! 40 great ones and going strong!
