Monday, April 30, 2012

Maddie 2 months

Here are her stats for 2 months

weight: 10lbs 4.07 oz
height: 25 inches

she is in 39th percentile for her weight and 20th percentile for her height.  the doctor is very pleased with her weight gain, cause when we went in for her 2 wk they were worried.  but she is a little porker.

activities: she eats 3 to 3.5 oz every 3 hrs and naps thru out the day, she is now smiling and is cooing and it is too cute.  she is very alert and is very much a momma's girl, whenever dustin holds her and she hears me, she will try and figure out where i am.  she sleeps at night pretty good, usually 5 hrs one time she even slept for 7.  which is quite nice, because it took jaxson along time to sleep thru the night.  she gets cuter every day and i wish time would slow down.  more updates at her 4 month.

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