Thursday, April 12, 2012

my day as a stay at home mom

So I recently read an article where Mitt Romney's wife was critized for being a stay at home mom, and that she never worked a day in her life. I thought that was actually pretty rude of someone to say that because to me being a mom whether you stay home with your kids or work is still a full time job.  I just recently had the privillage of being able to stay home with my kids and I love (most) days, but that's like with any thing in life, I have my good days and my bad days, and there are some really bad days.  But to show the people who don't have kids what it's like, here is what my day is like:

1:00 am or 2:00 am Madison wakes up to eat (feed and change) and try and get her back to sleep.
5:30 am wake up feed Madison, get Dustin's lunch pack and say bye to him for the day
6:30 to 8:30 get some sleep before both kids wake up, feed Madison and put her back down, and jump into the shower with Jaxson.
9:00 feed Jaxson, attempt to straighten up the kitchen while he is eating breakfast (dishes, sweeping, wipe the counters down)
 10ish Let Jaxson watch Disney channel, while I feed and change Madison, than get both kids dress
11:00 to Noon, spend time with Jaxson while Madison naps, and feed Jaxson lunch
1:00 Put Jaxson down for a nap, and pick up around the house while both kids sleep, and try and get some school work done, and some how mange to eat.
3:00 Jaxson wakes up from his nap, feed him a snack and change him, play with him while Madison sleeps.
 4:30 Dustin comes home, have him occupy Jaxson while I try and get dinner started.
5is Feed Madison, entertain Jaxson and try and get dinner finish
5:30 or 6 feed Jaxson, Dustin, and myself.
7:00 start getting Jaxson ready for bed
8:00 feed Madison and change her, put Jaxson down for the night, spend time with Dustin before he goes to bed.
8:30 to 10 hop online and check facebook while everyone sleeps, and try and finish homwork, feed Madison and play with her until she falls back to sleep.

the schedule never stays the same, depends on the kids, Madison fighting sleep or Jaxson not wanting to take a nap, to trying to start potty training Jaxson, or appointments ect.  But this is usually how my day is, trying to make sure my home is in order and my kiddos are fed and happy, and my husband is happy, this is my life as a stay at home mom, it's not always easy and it's not a glamourous job, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

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