Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Madison 1 month

here are madison stats for 5 wks

weight: 9lbs 3 oz (she was weighed at wic last friday)
height : 21.5 inches (so she only grew .5 inch since she was born)
feeding: about every 3 to 4 hrs, i am nursing and also supplementing with formula, so after she nurses and if she is still hungry she will eat between 3 and 4 ounces of formula..i have a little porker on my hands.
sleeping: she naps thru out the day and at night she sleeps 4 to 5 hours, which i rather enjoy, unless it's a bad night than it's about 2 to 3.

she is very alert when she is awake and is starting to gain better control of her head, she hasn't smiled yet, only in her sleep which is still cute.  jaxson has been good with her and is very interested and likes to talk to her and try and help with her, and if i am sitting on the couch holding her, he will want to hold her. 

she is a wonderful addition to our family and am so greatful to have her.

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