Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hospital Stay

This little lady had to stay in the hospital the past 4 days, we went in on Friday afternoon to recheck her weight (she hasn't been gaining weight), and she was 9lbs 9.4 oz. So the doctor admitted her to figure out what is going on.  The doctors there said it is acid refluex or GURD.  So we were sent home last night since she had made some weight gain, she is still 15g under her weight when she was admitted. But I am giving her 24 calorie count formula and she is eating 4oz now!! :) She has a follow up to tomorrow, and waiting to schedule appointments with occupational therapy so they can look at how she sucks to see if that is also a problem. Nutrition also wants to have an appointment and follow her to make sure she stays on track.  Also we will also be talking to gentics to see if there is something else wrong. But we are glad to be home, and hope she continues to gain weight. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers it has helped in so many ways.

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