Thursday, April 4, 2013

Late birthday post/development update


So this little boy turned 3 on March 15th, I can't believe how big he has gotten in the last 3 years. He started out so small and is now one tall little boy.  I don't have his growth stats since he goes in on Tuesday for his 3 year check up.  But I can remember from when we went into wic, they weighed him and he was 31lbs and 38 inches tall. 

Eating: he likes hot dogs, pasta, rice, cheerios, yogurt, vienna sausages, bananas, grapes, peaches and pears, carrots, green beans, most meat, cuscuous, pb and j.  He can be a pretty picky eater, I have tried new things and they are a hit or a miss, oh and he loves mac and cheese.

Developments: he is slowly starting to talk more, I would say we can understand him about 50% of the time, which is a lot better than what it was.  Last night I asked him to go get the wipes for me, and he ran and got them and came back saying "I coming Daddy".  So slowly but surely he is talking more.

Interest: he is your typical boy, he loves, cars and really loves trains, all I hear all day long is Thomas, Percy, Gordon.  He really loves Thomas the Train, and will ask constantly to watch Thomas.  He loves playing outside with our dog Harley, and playing with Maddie.  He loves helping me with Makenzie, and is such a loving big brother to both Maddie and Kenzie.

I love this little boy so much, he has his moments where it can be difficult, but whenever I see how loving he is towards his sisters or Dustin and I it makes me feel even more blessed to have him in my life.  I can't wait to continue to watch him grow and see what kind of man he will be.

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