Tuesday, May 11, 2010

2 months old

Jaxson's 2 month update..we haven't gone to the doctor yet, cause he doesn't turn two months until friday, but it's close enough. so next monday i will find how much he weighs and how long he is. but so far, he is starting to smile more, finally got it on camera as you can tell. he is starting to coo more which is so very cute and sweet. he is eating up to 100 cc's every 3 hrs during the day, and at night he is still sleeping 4 to 5 hrs, sometimes 6 but that's once in a blue moon. he is more alert during the day and now respondes to mine and dustin's voice, and he is a very noisy one, likes to know whats going on around him. he loves his swing now, and likes having it in front of the tv, he likes watching it, more for the colors and the noise, not a big fan of his glider too much anymore. he still sleeps with me, but will sleep in his bassinent a bit more. umm that's it for now.

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