Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mother's day

me and my mom
mother-in laws
sister's and mom
jaxson and mommy
the one who made me a momma
my grandma
my mom and jaxson

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's in my life from my own mom, to my mother-in laws and my sisters who have had my nieces and nephews and my grandma. you all have inpacked my life in some way and i don't know where i would be without you. you all have shaped me and molded me in some way and i wouldn't be who i am without you guys. i love you more than anything in the world, and am so greatfull for all of you. and last but not least jaxson i love you so very much, you have made my life so much better, and i know you are still little and don't understand, and someday you will, but know that i have loved you from the very day i found out i was pregnant with you, to the moment i first felt you kick inside me, to the moment i heard you cry when you arrived 4 wks early. to being to wake up to your sweet face every morning. i love you so very much and will till the day i die. i am so greatfull to be your mom and that you choose me.

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