Monday, May 17, 2010

jaxson 2 month update prt 2

took jaxson to the doctor today he now weighs 7 lbs 12 oz and is 21.5 inches long. the doctor is still concern about his weight cause he is below the curve they use, but he has been spitting up alot. we did have him on a formula for spit up, but that wasn't working, so i have switch him to a soy formula and that seems to be helping. so hopefully that works and he starts to gain more weight. he is now up to 4 ozs for feedings. if he keeps it down than i usually try and keep giving him 4 oz but when he would spit up alot, i would take it down so he would keep some down. but now that he is on soy, i think i will try and give him 4 oz at every feeding. he got three shots today, two in one leg and one in the other, and they have him a vaccine oraly..i wish all his vaccines could be like that, would make it so much eaiser on him and me. so because of his shot..he hasn't been feeling very good today. luckily i don't work tomorrow, yeah i started back to work today and it was really hard leaving him at the sitter. but i am back to a 5 and 2 schedule, work every other weekend, so this week, i work today, but i would have had today and tomorrow off, and work wed, thur, and frid morning, and have saturday and sunday off, and than the week after that, work mon and tue, wed morning, and have the rest of wed and thur off and work that week, so it switches every week. it's okay, the only bad thing is that i have to be to work at 430 in the morning certain mornings and i don't get off untl 630 that night..exhausting and bad schedule for a new mom..but the navy doesn't really care...oh well got to do what i got to do, until i get out....thats all for now, got to go feed jaxson.

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